Thank You! Happy 2018!
With 2017 coming to an end, I’d like to take a few minutes to look back and also talk about 2018 plans.
You can see the full video here:
Looking Back on 2017
2017 was full of challenges and changes. The challenges started when I was fired and got my gear stolen on the same day. I also lost a very good friend of mine and, even though I found a new job, it wasn’t really my thing. There were a lot of changes too: finding a new job, changing camera systems, moving back to Mexico, starting a business, going back to teaching.
Along this journey I received a lot of help and support from friends and family, to whom I can only say: Thank You! I wouldn’t be here without you!
Happy 2018!
For 2018 I have quite a few plans to help you start or continue your photography journey. First, an online photography course, which will be ready in a week (stay tuned!). Then, a 52 week challenge, through a weekly post and reminder. Finally, an adjustment to the format both for the blog posts and videos, focusing on solving specific problems.
Here’s to a new year full of grow and amazing experiences! Tag along, it will be an amazing year! 😀