No Transmitter? No Problem!
Did you forget your transmitter? No problem! Let’s explore godox transmitter alternatives to fire a TT685! Keep reading to learn more.
Imagine this. You get to a location, start unpacking your gear and realize you left your Godox X1T at home, or it has no batteries. What can you do? Well, today I’ll show you how to fire a TT685 with another flash!
This is one of the tests I did during my last shoot with Frida. Who is Frida, you may ask? She’s a model who I worked with in shoot to test some scenarios and techniques, as I explained in a previous post.
Let’s get to our first solution.
Two Godox TT685
The first test that I tried in the studio was to use a TT685 in Master mode, on camera while a second TT685 was off camera in Radio Slave mode. Both were set to the same channel (I like to use channel 9) and the slave flash was set on group A. I then set the flash to a correct power and fired.

This is a super simple solution that you can also try with two TT685.

But, what if you have one TT685 and another Godox flash, let’s say a TT350?
One TT685 and One TT350
This is another test that I did while shooting with Frida. I left the slave TT685 as it as (Radio Slave, Channel 9, Group A) and then set the TT350 on Master mode, cycled through the groups until A was selected and set the corresponding power. It just works!

As you can see in the last image, I also played changing the color of the background flash, but that’s an experiment that I’ll explain in a different post.
That’s how you have a few godox transmitter alternatives. Now I’m curious, have you tried these configurations? Please, share your experience in the comments section.