Happy 2019!
Happy New Year! What opportunities will this new year bring? What are my plans for it? Keep reading to learn more.
Even though 2018 was a very good year, I think 2019 will be even better. I have some plans that I’d like to share with you.
The main focus of the year (pun intended) is my commercial work, which is corporate portraits, product and architecture photography, as well as commercial video. I neglected my business a bit last year, so I’m getting things back on track.
Of course, I’ll share everything I learn from these experiences in this blog and my YouTube channel.
Last year I took my YouTube channel more seriously and posted regularly. There were some weeks when my posts were late, and some others when I didn’t post at all, but I did a better job than in previous years. Of course, all of this gave me more experience, so I learned to produce better content more efficiently.
That’s also why I’m adding video to my commercial services this year! :-D
This year starts with me teaching at only one university, the largest in my hometown! I’m simplifying my workload in this respect. For these classes I’m trying a new platform so my students get the best teaching I can do.
I’ll also offer more live workshops in my hometown, as well as photowalks and meetups.
Last but not least, I’m working on renewing my online course so it’s aligned with my brand, the content is relevant and it’s more effective.
It seems 2019 will be a busy year, and I’m looking forward to it and sharing my experiences with you :-)
What are your plans for 2019?